*第三に,Obama大統領とBiden副大統領は,自閉症対策法(Combating Autism Act)と,政府と州のASDに対するプログラムをどのように改善していくかを決定するため,議会,親,ASD専門家の作業への資金拠出を支持する。
President Obama and Vice President Biden are committed to supporting Americans with Autism Spectrum Disorders ("ASD"), their families, and their communities. There are a few key elements to their support, which are as follows:
* First, President Obama and Vice President Biden support increased funding for autism research, treatment, screenings, public awareness, and support services. There must be research of the treatments for, and the causes of, ASD.
* Second, President Obama and Vice President Biden support improving life-long services for people with ASD for treatments, interventions and services for both children and adults with ASD.
* Third, President Obama and Vice President Biden support funding the Combating Autism Act and working with Congress, parents and ASD experts to determine how to further improve federal and state programs for ASD.
* Fourth, President Obama and Vice President Biden support universal screening of all infants and re-screening for all two-year-olds, the age at which some conditions, including ASD, begin to appear. These screenings will be safe and secure, and available for every American that wants them. Screening is essential so that disabilities can be identified early enough for those children and families to get the supports and services they need.